Happy Whatever!

Happy Whatever!
The Bishop Family Christmas Card, 2023

I'm either late, early or egregiously offensive with my holiday/yuletide/festivus salutation. But I promise you, it's a genuine well-wishing. I hope this year has brought you something special; whether a deeply introspective epiphany into a higher sphere of being, or a motorcycle or something like that.

This past year had some creative highlights for me, which I thought I would share as an end of year wrap up:

  1. Well, I started a blog. You're reading it. It took me a few months to realize it was a blog. But I'm pretty confident that it is. Originally I though it would have other stuff, but I've really been enjoying writing.
  2. That being said, I didn't intend for this to be either a quick flame out or an enduring monolith. I saw a YouTube video and the guy recommended going for two years. So that's the goal. January 2024 will be 25% there. Thanks for being along for the ride.
  3. Two big announcements! Firstly, I'm getting a monthly cartoon in Veterinary Practice News! The editorial staff is great, and they're taking a chance on me. If you want to see it consistently, please write the editors and tell them you like seeing the cartoon in the magazine.
  4. Second, I got a book deal! I'm going to author a book! A real one! It's for middle grade readers about veterinary medicine, and I'm so excited to be working on it. More details to come...
  5. Why do lists need round numbers, why can't a list end on #4? I'll have a more robust list next year!

Thanks again, y'all for reading.

Greg Bishop

Greg Bishop

A veterinarian with unquenchable creative impulses. Unquenchable? Hmmm... creative "tendencies"? Well, it depends on how well I slept last night. Also a writer, illustrator and whatever-elser.