New Yorker Rejects #5

It's been yet another month of rejected cartoons. But don't pity me, dear Sis or Brosquatch. I'm having fun and wasting time and effort on a nonlucrative art form that very few appreciate and even fewer understand. I count myself among the latter, although I I deserve a little credit for trying. I'm starting to add more technical elements to my cartoons: things like compositional hierarchy, leveraged negative space, and graphic design techniques that I didn't know existed a few months ago. Once I add humor, I might have a chance!
But the good thing about the ballooning of the media landscape is that there's a niche for everyone. The good people at Veterinary Practice News are still publishing one of my veterinary cartoons monthly, and I've now been interviewed for two veterinary podcasts (episode releases pending). I've submitted the second draft of my graphic novel to the editor, and I'm wrapping up the finishing touches on the ninth installment of Louie's Little Lessons. Stay tuned for other fun projects that might pay the bills.
On to the toons:

Rules of war always seemed odd to me. It's just as arbitrary as sports rules, but people die. And that's the point. It's not how nature operates, by the way.

Speaking of rules, I suggest we act like big kids and finish our food. Everyone whining about how it's just bread needs to get a dipping cup of marina and move on with their lives.

Standard American culture is what a bunch of MDMA-addled fellow travelers are trying to avoid in the northern Nevada desert every year. But if you just change the name a little bit, it becomes mostly a festival about distinguishing subtly different species of bushtit.

But changing the words does change the meaning. As well all know, aioli is delicious, whereas mayonnaise is nauseating pus.

Another thing to avoid is dangerous animals: venomous snakes, near-sighted sharks, and your friend who's still bullish on NFTs and crypto.

But then again, tech bros kind of control everything right now, so maybe it's time to accept how the world works.

Which is more complicated and confusing than it usually seems. One man's crop is another's comedy prop.

And thanks to our extraordinary agricultural technology, food is cheaper than ever. Especially if you're willing to compromise a little.

I don't know. I really don't. This one kills me. I haven't gotten great feedback on it though. I think I'm the only one that gets it, and I'm not even sure I get it. But it is funny (to me at least). If anyone can explain why this is inaccessible to other humans, I'll buy you a day old bagel (or donut).

Which you may want to redeem as soon as possible. 2024 is kinda scary. Cheers!
—Greg Bishop
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